ALT PIN Distribution
All students will have received an email from Business Advising containing their ALT PINs (or containing information on how to receive their ALT PINs) by Monday, November 4. Please check your email inbox for an email from Business Advising.
You are not required to meet with your Academic Advisor in order to receive your ALT PIN.
All students will have received an email from Business Advising containing their ALT PINs (or containing information on how to receive their ALT PINs) by Monday, November 4. Please check your email inbox for an email from Business Advising.
Business Courses
We encourage you to to access your Degree Audit to track your degree progress - this is a personalized checklist of your degree requirements
If you entered Lehigh in 2022 or earlier, please use uAchieve Degree Audit.
If you entered Lehigh in 2023 or later, please use Degree Works.
Please also review our curriculum guides based on your catalog year (the year you started here at Lehigh). We typically advise students to take 3 Business courses and 2 Non-Business College Elective courses in a semester. The number of Business and Non-Business courses may change once you begin taking major related courses.
The Department of Accounting will grant waivers of the "Sophomore status" requirement for ACCT 151 for students who have declared a major in ACCT or FIN. We recommend connecting with your advisor if you are interested in taking ACCT 151 as a first-year student.
If you are a first-year student who does not have Sophomore standing (24 credits completed by the start of the semester) and you would like to take ACCT 151, please complete the following steps:
Submit a Degree Program Exception Petition (DPEP) and list Marietta Peytcheva ( as the Department Chair.
Submit a Major Declaration Form for Accounting or Finance.
If you are a first-year student who does have Sophomore standing, then you are not required to submit a DPEP and Major Declaration form.
The Department of Marketing will grant waivers of the "sophomore status" requirement for MKT 111 for students interested in enrolling.
If you are a first-year student who does not have Sophomore standing (24 credits completed by the start of the semester) and you would like to take MKT 111, please complete the following steps:
Ensure that you have already taken or are in progress of taking ECO 001, the prerequisite course. You must pass this course with a C- or higher.
Submit a Degree Program Exception Petition (DPEP) and list K. Sivakumar ( as the Department Chair.
If you are a first-year student who does have Sophomore standing, then you are not required to submit a DPEP - you are only required to have taken and passed ECO 001 with a C- or higher.
Most of these courses require sophomore standing (24 completed credits), which many students will not attain until the end of their first year. Many of our 100-level Business Core courses have prerequisites that most students complete in the Spring of their first year.
Some of our departments will allow sophomores to begin their major coursework in their sophomore year, so long as they have the qualifying prerequisites to take those courses. Here are some of those major courses and qualifying prerequisites.
- FIN 323 & FIN 328 with FIN 125 as a prerequisite
- SCM 309 & SCM 340 - with SCM 186 as a prerequisite
- MKT 311 & 312 - with MKT 111 as a prerequisite
- ACCT 315 & 324 - with ACCT 152 as a prerequisite
- ACCT 311 - with ACCT 152 & BIS 111 as a prerequisite
- ACCT 316 - with ACCT 315 as a prerequisite
If this course is critical for your degree progress or an important prerequisite to your major coursework, we highly recommend registering for the open section of the course. In the meantime, you can continue to monitor your preferred section, as seat capacities and enrollment can fluctuate - there is still a chance you may be able to switch sections if a seat becomes available. But your highest priority should be securing the open seat in that course.
Please note: Override forms cannot be used to override students into preferred course sections, and cannot be used when that course has other sections that are still open.
If every section of a Business course is full and you are required to take that course this semester in order to graduate in a timely manner, then please reach out to your Academic Advisor for next steps. If there is still an open section of that course, then you will not be eligible for an override.
Please note: Although a course may be part of your degree requirements, that does not always mean that you are required to take the course in this upcoming semester. An example of a potentially necessary override would include a Senior with a Management major who needs to get into a required course only offered that semester, or a Sophomore planning on majoring in Accounting who could not secure a spot in ACCT 151.
College Change Students
Once you’re admitted into the College of Business (for the November 1st deadline), your primary Academic Advisor will send you a welcome email with your ALT PIN soon after so you can register for Winter ‘24 and Spring ‘25 courses during Registration Week.
We will resume longer-term Academic Planning appointments on Monday, November 18. Please feel free to set up an appointment with any of the Business Advisors through AdvisorTrac or by contacting your primary advisor.
Your home college will give you your ALT PIN when registering for Winter ‘24 and Spring ‘25. As you wait for Fall grades, we recommend registering for some courses in the College of Business, as long as you meet the prerequisites and there are seats available. Here are a few options of courses:
- ECO 045
- SCM 186
- ECO 119 or 146
- LAW 201
If you're waiting on your Fall grades, we suggest meeting with a Business Advisor during our 30 minute appointment slots, starting the week of November 18th. This way we can help you with next steps and course recommendations. You can set up an appointment via AdvisorTrac.
Once your Fall grades are in, you’ll get a welcome email from your primary advisor with more information about the College of Business and specific course recommendations. Remember, you have at least a month before the Spring semester starts once your Fall grades are in, so you’ll have plenty of time to adjust your schedule and keep an eye out for seat availability in your Business courses.
If you are applying for the April 1st deadline or after, then you should prioritize taking our required courses to change into the College of Business: ECO 001 and MATH 021/081.
If you have already completed the ECO 001 and MATH 021/081 requirements, you may also consider the following courses, as long as you meet the prerequisites and there are seats available:
- ECO 045
- SCM 186
- ECO 119 or 146
- LAW 201
You will be able to start meeting with a Business Advisor in the Spring if you would like to discuss any further course options.
General Registration & Troubleshooting
Your course eligibility is based on your completed and in-progress credits. This does not include any specific restrictions or prerequisites that a course may have.
Example: ECO 045 is a prerequisite to FIN 125. You can still register for FIN 125 as long as you are in-progress of taking ECO 045.
Note: Please refer to the Business Courses section of this page for more specifics on what you are able to register for.
When a student can register is based on completed credits (in-progress credits do not count). To find out your specific registration date and time, use your Student Profile, select Registration and Planning in the left column, then select Prepare for Registration. Under Prepare for Registration, students' time tickets are highlighted in red under their student status, academic status, and holds. The time ticket will indicate your assigned registration date and time.
Courses are available to view in Banner now at!
We recommend using "Browse Classes by Semester" to ensure that you are seeing what courses are being offered in a specific semester.
Please check your account to see which office you need to contact to clear your hold:
Log on to Banner ( --> Banner --> Student Academic Records --> View Holds)
The most common account holds are either a Bursar’s Office hold or a Health Center hold. The Advising team cannot lift an account hold for you. Instead, you can find the contact information for these two offices below:
Bursar’s Office:
Health & Wellness Center:
Please take a look at the Registrar's explanation of linked courses and how to register for them here.
When viewing courses in Banner, we recommend using the "Browse Classes by Semester" search function in the upper lefthand corner of your registration screen.
It seems that using the Plan Ahead feature will sometimes pull the entire course catalog, instead of displaying only courses that are available in that particular semester. Using "Browse Classes by Semester" will ensure that you are seeing what courses are being offered in a specific semester.
Major & Minor Declaration
To declare your Business major, please use our Major Declaration Form. If you want to declare two majors, you’ll need to fill out two separate forms - make sure to complete each one correctly, as they will differ.
For example, if you’re declaring a double major in Finance (FIN) and Accounting (ACCT), start with the form for FIN. Make sure to note that it’s not a second major on that form. Then, submit a second form for your ACCT major, indicating that it is a second major and that your first major is FIN.
We ask students to give the Advising Team and Business Departments to give up to 2-3 business days to process Major Declaration forms. Please reach out to your advisor if you have not seen your newly declared major in your audit after one week of submitting your form.
Please go to the department website of the minor you are looking to declare, and find the Minor Declaration form. If no form is available on the website, please contact your Academic Advisor.
Please go to the department website of the minor you are looking to declare, and find the Minor Declaration form. If no form is available on the website, please contact the Department Coordinator - you can typically find the Department Coordinator’s contact information by going to the department’s website and checking their contact/staff page.
Non-Business College Electives
To search for a Non-Business College Elective, we recommend selecting the "Advanced Search" feature in the registration portal and using the "College" search field. From there, you're welcome to search for classes in any college that's not the College of Business.
You should find plenty of options for electives there - please just make sure to check the "Restrictions" tab when you click into a course to make sure that you'd be eligible to take it. We recommend trying to find a class in a subject that you're interested in and would enjoy taking. Your Non-Business College Electives are a great opportunity to branch out and explore your various interests outside of Business!
As mentioned above, we recommend trying to find a class in a subject that you're interested in and would enjoy taking. Your Non-Business College Electives are a great opportunity to branch out and explore your various interests outside of Business! Some students use this opportunity to explore a minor outside of Business - since you are required to take a number of Non-Business College Electives as part of your Business degree, these minors typically fall in under your Business degree requirements.
To search for classes with specific attributes in Banner, please use the Attribute search field and type in the appropriate attribute (for example, Business Diversity, Humanities, etc).
- If you are searching for multiple attributes at once (for example, Business Diversity and Humanities), make sure you pay attention to the Attributes column. The search will pull any course that has at least one of those attributes - it does not only pull courses that have both.
- Make sure to check the "Restrictions" tab when you click into a course to make sure that you'd be eligible to take it.
Email the Professor of the course, and copy the Department Coordinator. You can typically find the Department Coordinator’s contact information by going to the department’s website and checking their contact/staff page.
If you are not eligible for a course, then please seek another course without those restrictions. You are welcome to keep checking back on the status of the course up until the course actually begins. While course restrictions may occasionally be lifted, we cannot rely on this happening consistently.
- First, check the Overload Request Grid & Guidelines to see if an SOS Petition Form would be required (in addition an Overload Request Form).
- Once you identify which forms you will need, you can find and complete the appropriate one on our Business Forms page.
Note: If you are a Freshman with no GPA (regardless of your class standing), you will need to complete an SOS Petition Form and an Overload Request Form.
You will be able to add those extra credits to your schedule on December 2nd, 2024.
Please first refer to the Non-Business College Electives section of this page to see if your question was answered there. If it was not answered, then please email the Department Coordinator for that department to seek more information (we recommend going to the department’s website and checking their contact/staff page.)
Please note: Each department regulates override requests for their major-level and minor courses.
Students should only submit a Course Override form if the Business course they are looking to add has completely full sections and waitlists. Override forms cannot be used to override students into preferred course sections, and cannot be used when that course has other sections that are still open. Please refer to the Business Courses section under the question "I'm technically able to register for an open section..." for more information.
If every section of a Business course is full and you are required to take that course this semester in order to graduate in a timely manner, and you would would therefore like to request an override, please reach out to your Academic Advisor for next steps. Please also reach out if you are unsure if an override is an appropriate request for you.
Please note: Each department regulates override requests for their major-level and minor courses. Override requests are not approved by the Business Undergraduate Office.
Please review RAS’s Waitlist Guide.
If a seat becomes available in a course, students will have 24 hours to claim the seat. If the student does not respond within the 24 hour window, the seat will go to the next student on the waitlist and you will be removed from the waitlist. Please note that weekend days are included in the 24 hour window to claim a seat in a course.
You may only waitlist yourself for one section of a course. You cannot waitlist yourself for a different section of a course for which you are already registered (for example, you cannot register for MKT 111 and also join the waitlist for a section that has a more preferable time slot).
If this course is critical for your degree progress or an important prerequisite to your major coursework, we highly recommend registering for the open section of the course. In the meantime, you can continue to monitor your preferred section, as seat capacities and enrollment can fluctuate - there is still a chance you may be able to switch sections if a seat becomes available. But your highest priority should be securing the open seat in that course.
Unfortunately, professors cannot remove students from the waitlist. The waitlist is your best option while waiting to register. We encourage you to regularly check your email for updates on waitlist movements and to consult your academic advisor to see if a Course Override may be appropriate for your situation.