International Business (IB) Certificate
The International Business Certificate is intended to benefit those students seeking to broaden their understanding of international business and foster the development of their global mindset. The certificate program is open to all College of Business majors including those enrolled in IBE and CSB programs.
The International Business Certificate is a 12-credit program that encompasses a mix of courses relating to international business and management, courses designed to broaden a student’s functional knowledge and/or cultural competencies, and a modern language and/or study abroad experience.
Application - submit to Amy Jones in the Department of Management:
Business Analytics (BA) Certificate
Today’s business environment challenges firms to use data as a driver in decision making. All sectors of business are bursting with information that needs to be structured and analyzed in order to form meaningful insights.
The Business Analytics Certificate is a 12-credit program that includes a mix of courses related to business analytics designed to give students exposure to computer programming, business intelligence, computer models, and data management in order to foster decision making in the modern enterprise. The certificate is open to all College of Business students, including CSB and IBE. To earn the certificate, students take at least 12 credits and earn a grade of “C-” or higher in each course.